26th January Celebration at NITSAN - 2018

26 Jan 2018

Here comes the day to realize the importance of our country. We usually are so busy with our tight schedules, so we often miss feeling proud to be a citizen of such a great nation. On Republic Day we get a chance to look after our nation, we get a chance to do something worthwhile for our nation. We at NITSAN celebrated this Republic Day supporting our Swachh Bharat Mission. We followed Swachata Abhiyan which was totally led by some of our team members in a creative way. They decided to do this activity at seashore nearby our city i.e. in Koliyak. The best place to clean it up and try to make it more beautiful. We started our activity with our national anthem guided by one of our members who is a good achiever in NCC Navy which gave a new experience to all of us.

Celebration Mode on at Koliyak Beach, Bhavnagar

Then, with the spirit of Swachta, activity begins. We were divided into groups which were named after our great National Leaders, like Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Rabindranath Tagore, Veer Savarkar. All the groups were given different places to collect the scrap and clean up the areas. Hurray! Leading towards the Success of the Event To survive in peace and harmony, United and strong, we must have one people, one nation. Pauline Hanson We all gave our best and enjoyed some different, unusual activity that day. None of us was feeling pity; in fact we were in competition that who collects more which made us more enthusiastic for the activity. Looking at the collection of the scrap at the end made us satisfied for the efforts that all of us gave. Moreover, the difference was seen after cleaning up the area. Leading towards success for the event, and winding up capturing photos and relaxing for a while in a neat and clean place. Best celebration of Republic Day by the NITSAN Team.

National Anthem
National Anthem
Celebration of 26th Jan
Celebration of 26th Jan
Cleanliness Drive
Cleanliness Drive
Our contribution to Mother India
Our contribution to Mother India
Team PhotoShoot
Team PhotoShoot
It Ended Being Fun
It Ended Being Fun
National Anthem
Celebration of 26th Jan
Cleanliness Drive
Our contribution to Mother India
Team PhotoShoot
It Ended Being Fun