Christmas Celebration at NITSAN - 2019

25 Dec 2019

Team NITSAN wishes you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year! 

It's the 25th of December and it's christmas time, Team NITSAN have kick-started the christmas celebration, and we have geared up to decorate the office with glittering decor, twinkling Christmas lights and gleaming Christmas trees!

Christmas holds importance on many levels. It is a time for NITSAN family to come together and share and enjoy and celebrate the love and appreciation for each other that we share.

NITSAN premises were sparkling beautifully decorated cabins, adorable ornaments with funky colored thermocol balls and hangings. The workspaces were blooming in red color as the employees also followed the Red & White dress-code for the day.

And Christmas celebration begins!

Team NITSAN wore a festive mood for the grand Christmas celebration. NITSAN initiated the celebration with much fanfare. The ceremony started with Christmas carols followed by wishing each other merriest christmas. And the highlight of the day was our own little Santas! Fun filled game and santa caps filled the atmosphere with immense joy.

Secret Santa!!!

We’ve also planned to play Secret Santa games as usual and exchange secretly wrapped gifts that would be opened on Christmas Eve!! Every christmas we are surprised with an abundance of joy and of course this time we’re super excited for the Christmas party! Everyone was eager to open their gifts and investigate who their secret santa was!

Christmas celebration 2019
Christmas celebration 2019
Secret Santa!!!
Secret Santa Gifts!!!
Christmas celebration Moments from NITSAN Christmas  celebration 2019
Christmas celebration Moments from NITSAN Christmas celebration 2019
It was an end to a great Christmas eve!
It was an end to a great Christmas eve!
Christmas celebration 2019
Secret Santa!!!
Christmas celebration Moments from NITSAN Christmas  celebration 2019
It was an end to a great Christmas eve!

Wrap Up !

Finally, in the evening the party was started by spreading joy by exchanging gifts with each other. We were really excited to know what our friends got in their gift. Everyone was happy with their received gifts and some of the gifts were funny as well. There were many comments coming from their friends for funny gifts by making some fun together and made the party atmosphere alive.

And it was an end to a great christmas eve!
The christmas eve was spent well with lots of fun and cheers. We enjoyed our christmas a lot. We hope you enjoyed it too. Once again, May joy, hope, and happiness be yours this Christmas season. Team NITSAN wishes you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!