Glittering Diwali at NITSAN - 2020

13 Nov 2020

At NITSAN, Diwali calls for that extra edge of celebration and festivity. Let's feel and explore how NITSAN celebrated Diwali this year!

Glittering Diwali at NITSAN, 2020

We celebrated Diwali with glittering beaming office, fun activities and spreading wishes, happiness, fun and greetings with every member of NITSAN Team.

Diwali being one of the most awaited and celebrated festivals for Indians across the globe, it comes as no surprise that the NITSAN family would wholeheartedly throw themselves into celebrating the festival of lights with full gusto and aplomb!

The build up to the main day is just as exciting as the main event and our whole workspace comes alive with team members getting into the festive and party mood even as they adhere to their day-to-day work schedules. When its Diwali, its the festival of lights and the first thing we do is decorate our beautiful office’s with Diya’s and lights. Festive mode begins at NITSAN with beautiful Rangolis in premises!

Let each diya you light bring a glow of happiness to your face and enlighten your soul.

#SpreadLight #SpreadHappiness

Everyone at NITSAN were in traditional Indian attire, boys in Kurta and girls in sarees. Everyone looked charming and were gleamed up with festive vibes.

Diya Decoration Competition: Let the light spread!

Diya depicts light and using Diya, we light up our places to welcome everyone. This time team NITSAN had an interesting competition up, "Diya Decoration" Competition.

Each team was divided into 4 participants in each. The team was provided with 4 different types of diya to decorate and come up with the best of their creativity. All the team members gathered and initiated planning for the competition with excitement!

In the tick tock go, teams started designing and decorating their diyas! The teams were ready with their beautifully decorated diyas! The competition was fun, competitive and filled with happiness! All four teams were ready with their diya and now it's time for the judges to decide the winning ones! Yay! Team A won the competition! It's sweet time then! Everyone greeted each other with sweets and wishes heartiest greetings.

Glimpse of Diya Decoration Competition
Glimpse of Diya Decoration Competition
Diya Decoration Competition
Diya Decoration Competition - CEO NITIN Chauhan
Our CEO NITIN Chauhan
Our CEO NITIN Chauhan
Joyful and Memories From NITAN Diwali Celebration 2020
Team Marketing & CTA Sanjay Chauhan
Sneak Peak of Diwali 2020
Finally Team Photoshoot
Finally Team Photoshoot
Glimpse of Diya Decoration Competition
Diya Decoration Competition
Our CEO NITIN Chauhan
Joyful and Memories From NITAN Diwali Celebration 2020
Team Marketing & CTA Sanjay Chauhan
Sneak Peak of Diwali 2020
Finally Team Photoshoot

Evening snacks

A non-negotiable part of Diwali is the mouthwatering variety of delicacies that are served throughout the day. The evening snacks included Indo CHinese Dishes with sweets and soft drinks among other wholesome munchies.

Festival celebrated well!
Diwali celebrates the triumph of good over evil and is a time of collaboration, togetherness, and revelry. We at NITSAN believe in celebrating life and living it to the hilt. Diwali at NITSAN is just one of the many examples of our guiding philosophy.