Escape to the Hills: A Weekend Trip to Mount Abu❤️

09 Jan 2023

"Work, Travel, Save, Repeat.” Team NITSAN is off to another Office Trip!!

We packed our bags and started our journey to Mount Abu, also known as the Hills of Wisdom. A much-needed break for everyone to rejuvenate from work and office hours. Our trip started on 6th January and lasted till 9th January at midnight. Everything went perfectly well, and we couldn’t have asked for more. There were some challenges as well, but all-in-all it was an exceptional experience.

Let’s take you on our journey.

Day 1- Off to Mount Abu

We started from Bhavnagar at 11:30 PM towards Mount Abu on 6th Jan with a total distance of 396 km. Our first stop was Ambaji which we reached at 8 AM the next day, which took 9-10 hours. Ambaji is famous for the Ambaji Mata Temple as a Shakti Peeth, where it is believed that the Heart of Sati Devi had fallen here. We visited the temple, did all the rituals, and experienced the peaceful atmosphere in and around the temple. Furthermore, we all had our Gujarati breakfast, i.e., Gathiya, Samosa, thepla, pahuva, etc., that all Gujju’s might relate to. Next, we were off to Mount Abu, which takes about 1.5-2 hours from Ambaji. The road toward Mount Abu was astonishing and beautiful. We saw greenery, mountains, clouds, and so much more.

Some Unforeseen Circumstances

While on our way, we were stuck on a huge roadblock. Later, we learned that a school bus had met with an accident on the narrow roads, also going on a trip towards Mount Abu. Without wasting any more seconds, Team NITSAN gave a helping hand to those in need. After a few hours, we could help everyone, and thankfully no one was injured. After this, we then reached our Hotel Maganji in the evening. Everyone went to their respective rooms, freshened up, and had snacks.

Shopping and More

We then took off to visit Sunset point. It was the most beautiful sunset we could have experienced in a long time. We should have used more time and taken fewer pictures to capture the moments. It was like therapy for us being in the presence of nature and the sun. Once we were done with the Sunset, we all explored the place and did some shopping, such as souvenirs for family and friends back home. After this, we took some rest and stopped at Food-In to have our dinner. We even had the famous Turkish Ice cream that was yet again unbeatable, as we have seen on Instagram reels and videos. Later, we walked to our hotels, discussing our day and everything we saw. Then, we set up a bonfire and sat around it to enjoy the night in the hills. We all sang songs and danced around the fire in the freezing winter.

Day 2 - Around Mount Abu

We are off to another at Mount Abu and are looking to explore everything there is. The next morning, we got ready and had breakfast at the hotel. Then we visited to many wonderful places like Guru Shikhar, Achalgarh Fort, Adhar Devi Temple, Dilwara Jain Temples, Somnath Mahadev Temple and Much more. 

Starting Trip With Maa Amba Blessing
Starting Trip With Maa Amba Blessing
Enjoying Water rides
Making a Splash: Fun Times on the Water Rides
Making a Splash: Fun Times on the Water Rides
Making a Splash: Fun Times on the Water Rides
Mount Abu Magic: Exploring Nature with the Team
Discovering the Beauty of Mount Abu
Team Fun Activity
Team Fun Activity
Team Photoshoot
Team Photoshoot
Starting Trip With Maa Amba Blessing
Enjoying Water rides
Making a Splash: Fun Times on the Water Rides
Mount Abu Magic: Exploring Nature with the Team
Team Fun Activity
Team Photoshoot

Apart from these places, we stopped at Shreeji hotel, where we had the traditional Rajasthani delicacies and Lunch, i.e., Daal and Bathi. Furthermore, we even visited Nakki lake, where boating, and even visited the market around it to explore the place a bit more to end our trip.

Wrap Up !

Lastly, we were off on our journey back home. While traveling, we stopped in between to have dinner at Hotel Ambar near Mehsana. Once done, we reached our homes late at night, around 3:30 AM on 9th Jan.