Salad Decoration Competition at NITSAN

08 Jun 2019

All the members were divided into three teams: Team Fruit Crusher, Team Fruit Mania and Team Fruit Slush

NITSAN Technologies Pvt Ltd has arranged a fruit decoration competition for refreshment from a busy work schedule to make employees feel fresh and energetic. All were excited to learn about the competition and to take part in high spirits.

All the members were divided into three teams: Team Fruit Crusher, Team Fruit Mania and Team Fruit Slush. They were provided an hour to brainstorm their ideas with an equal budget provided to each team to make a beautiful salad out of fruits and vegetables. And in the next hour the teams went out shopping. And at exactly 4 PM, the competition was going to start. Keeping timings in mind, everyone reached back out to the office before time and was ready as well, excited to begin!

As soon as the tik tok go was said the teams geared up with enthusiasm to show their creativity. Team Fruit Mania was going to decorate fruits to make the logo of NITSAN, the logo of TYPO3 CMS, beach, and smiley. Team Fruit Crusher was going to make multiple small creations such as swan, turtle, boat, pool, party man, fountain flowers, trees and much more assembled in a resort. Team Fruit Slush is making a cute bird, peacock, and logo of TYPO3 CMS.

Team NITSAN Gather for Competition
Team NITSAN Gather for Competition
Salad decoration competition at NITSAN
Salad decoration competition at NITSAN
Salad Masters: Bringing Together Flavors
Salad Masters: Bringing Together Flavors
Team Fruit Slush
Team Fruit Slush
Team Fruit Mania
Team Fruit Mania
Team Fruit Crusher
Team Fruit Crusher
Glimpse of Preparing Salad Decoration
Glimpse of Preparing Salad Decoration
Team 2 salad decoration
Team 2 salad decoration
Our CEO Nitin Chauhan
Our CEO Nitin Chauhan was the judge
And Here are the Winners....!
And Here are the Winners....!
Team NITSAN Gather for Competition
Salad decoration competition at NITSAN
Salad Masters: Bringing Together Flavors
Team Fruit Slush
Team Fruit Mania
Team Fruit Crusher
Glimpse of Preparing Salad Decoration
Team 2 salad decoration
Our CEO Nitin Chauhan
And Here are the Winners....!

The enthusiasm was remarkable of all the members, some were eager to decorate their dishes and see the creativity of other teams as well. The team spirit of the members was also on fire, all divided the work, some were chopping, some were decorating, some were helping and few were eating the stuff instead of doing anything :P

The fun began when one by one their decoration pieces started to get ready, also excitement to decorate each piece best and creative was seen in everyone’s team, to defeat and to have the victory.

Time is Up! Time is up! Says HR.. they all had a time limit, the first to submit was the Fruit Slush Team with 4 pieces of fruit decoration, then the other two teams completed together Fruit mania and Fruit Crusher. After each presented their decoration pieces, we had Nitin Chauhan, our CEO, as our judge for the Salad competition. He reviewed each team’s beautiful fruits decoration, creativity, efforts, timings, and such factors to decide which team has defeated the other 2 teams.

So, the tough decision was taken by Nitin Chauhan, as everyone really decorated very beautiful, creative also yum yum dishes.. As the Team Crusher came up with a theme of NITSAN Resort with decorative watermelon swimming pool in it, apple swan, different fruits, different creation looked attractive, Hence the winner was Team Fruits Crusher, who crushed other Teams with the amazing decoration of their NS Resort.

Wrap Up!

This Activity really helped in good team spirit, fun blasters, and time to enjoy yummy fruits at the end with all the members in the hot summer, the perfect combination for the Saturday HR Activity and a memorable one.