Sports Day Celebration at NITSAN - 2021

15 Aug 2021

To commemorate Sports Day, we held a celebration at NITSAN. We celebrated Sports Day supporting with Foosball, Ludo, Chess and carrom. Sports days are always fun. People with different energy and skill levels compete with each other and sometimes it becomes so funny and memorable. It gives you the chance to get to know people you don’t usually hangout with. It makes everyone a single entity with such diversity.

Talking about NITSAN’s sports history, it hasn’t been great if you know us for a long time but we decided to change it as when it comes to sports, Indians never lag behind.

Let’s Play

We started the sports day with a game of Foosball, followed by Carrom, Ludo and Chess. Foosball was the center of attraction. But Carrom wasn’t lagging behind at all. Sadly the enthusiasm for Chess wasn’t that much but we still had fun watching this incredible mind game and Ludo brought everyone together.

Trophies and Gifts were given but the results were VERY unexpected.

 Day of Fun and Competition: Sports Day 2021 at NITSAN
Day of Fun and Competition: Sports Day 2021 at NITSAN
Foosball was the center of attraction
Foosball was the center of attraction
Sports Day 2021 at NITSAN's Cheers and Applause Fill the Air
Sports Day 2021 at NITSAN's Cheers and Applause Fill the Air
Ludo brought everyone together
Ludo brought everyone together
Trophies and Gifts
Trophies and Gifts
 Day of Fun and Competition: Sports Day 2021 at NITSAN
Foosball was the center of attraction
Sports Day 2021 at NITSAN's Cheers and Applause Fill the Air
Ludo brought everyone together
Trophies and Gifts

NSPL Announcement

The most famous game was Foosball (Obviously, because it looks cool and all). But foosball was the game where we saw real dedication, excitement and hunger to win in our members. So we decided to arrange NITSAN Premier League (NSPL) specifically for Foosball where every Team will play with every other team from the tournament and the winners will be awarded. Thanks for scrolling till here.

Lastly, we hope there will be many more sports days on the way and we will play and laugh harder every time. Playing with these funny and energetic souls made us laugh so hard and there was excitement and enthusiasm in the air.