[T3EXT DAY] All in One Slider Plugin

Slider displays are ideal for organizing content into a decent clean module. A slider gives another, innovative, and in vogue, way to deal with indicate essential information with pictures or a relative picture with the news. It can be a more engaging decision than essentially putting little pictures on a page with highlights, empowering substance to mix with everything else.

[T3EXT DAY] All in One Slider Plugin

Key features of ns_all_sliders extension:

  • Lex Slider
  • bxSlider
  • Owl Carousel
  • Nivo Slider
  • Responsive Slides – Responsive & incredibly light weight
  • Polaroids Gallery
  • Easy To Use
  • Autoplay Option
  • Touch Screen
  • Customizable Borders

1. Front-end view after plug-in installation

1.1 Nivo Slider

1.2 Owlcarousel Slider

1.3 Royal Slider

1.4 Slidejs Slider

2. Back-end view after plug-in installation

The extension needs to be installed as any other extension of TYPO3 CMS:

2.1 Get the extension

Step 1: Switch to the module “Extension Manager”.

Step 2: Get the extension -

  • Get from the Extension Manager: Press the “Retrieve/Update” button and search for the extension key and import the extension from the repository.
  • Get it from typo3.org: You can always get the current version from https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/ns_all_sliders/ by downloading either the t3x or zip version. Upload the file afterwards in the Extension Manager.

Step 3: Now the install the Extension.

2.2 Activate the TypoScript

The extension ships some TypoScript code which needs to be included.

Step 1: Go to Template Module.

Step 2: Switch to Root page.

Step 3: Select Info/Modify option from drop-down.

Step 4: Click on Edit the whole template record button.

Step 5: Switch to Includes tab.

Step 6: Search for Extension and after search click on extension name.

Verify that your selected extension move to the selected items.

2.3 Configuration

Quick & Easy configuration of "All Sliders" into TYPO3

Step 1: Go to the Template module.

Step 2: Switch to the root page.

Step 3: Select Constant Editor.


Step 5: Include Jquery if you have not included yet in your project.

Step 6: Create Storage Folder for this plugin.

Step 6.1: Go to the List module.

Step 6.2: Open the General storage and click on Create new record.

Step 6.3: Click on Gallery and Add images.

Step 7: Now configure this plugin.

Step 7.1: Go to Page Module.

Step 7.2: Open the page where you want to add this plugin.

Step 7.3: Click on add content button and switch to Plugins tab.

Step 7.4: Select the Slider plugin.

Step 7.5: Now move to Plugin tab.

Step 7.6: Select slider as per the requirement.

Step 7.7: Add the Storage folder.

3. Clear clearing

Please, clear cache from top panel 'Flush frontend caches' & 'Flush general caches'. It will be also great to clear cache from Install tool too.

4. Support

Feedback & Suggestions

Just download & try the EXT:ns_all_sliders extension. You can write down your feedback/suggestion/comments to below comment box. So, we will adapt it for next version of EXT:ns_all_sliders.

Now, Enjoy with adding your favourite 'slider' at your cool TYPO3 website

Posts by Nitin Chauhan

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